Thursday, April 11, 2013


Tell me a story, my lady said
as I folded her into blanket and bed
but I saw she was  listening to  Morpheus calling,
Her head on my shoulder, her eyelids falling,
the curtains closing on the waking stage,
the scenery stored away
the set already struck

I took my bows too, and followed her down
A step behind the hem of her gown
off backstage to change our clothes;
Then back up to the empty house we rose
In new costumes for the night
Robed in wishes
Clad in magic

And  out we went past the velvet chairs
down the carpeted, marble stairs
from the mezzanine to the lower floor
beyond the great mahogany double door
Out to the night, glittering with snow
the icicle moon
the crystal stars

Upon the sidewalk we danced, we twirled,
So that our cozy, warm cloaks swirled
and flashed their hidden satin hues;
We strolled along in our shining shoes
Lifting our voices in tipsy singing
lips in the shapes of  rosy lyrics
breath in clouds of white

"Where to now?" My lady smiled.
With the mischief of a child
she ran off down the boulevard
So I chased her, sprinting hard
splashing puddles creased with ice
reaching out to catch her scarf
as silken as her stride

It spooled out behind her, a kite tail,
Her laughter billowing, full sail.
We swam through pools of lamp post spotlight,
We flew on wings feathered with night,
Changing as fast as the colors of dusk
the brush of thought
on imagination's palette

Gods upon the wind

In her embrace, time over-spills its measure;
The heat of her body is a golden treasure
The curve of her side is a nest of safe sleep
To dream her dream is a prize to keep
She whispers, a susurrus of enchantment,
Tell me a story...
And I do.

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